Sabtu, 07 Mei 2011

A Fine Art - A Guide to Alternative Shopping in Florence

When you think of the big name shopping in Italy like Rome and Milan immediately spring to mind, however, Florence can really keep it private when it comes to luxury labels and vintage finds!

It can be easy to pick off the latest runway looks from the Italian heavyweights such as Gucci and Prada still one of the best small town pleasures of the stone over to the little-known traditional trade of centuries-old pharmacy on the historic gems selling sumptuous silk at hand marbled paper. Below is a list of some of the quirkiest and cutest boutiques can be found on those criss-crossing the streets of the Renaissance!

Filistrucchi (Via Giuseppe Verdi 9) wig shop under the auspices of a plethora of worldwide stars (in a strictly hush hush basis) which will be stunned, in the range of human hair wigs and beards. This store also stocks a range of equipment for private and commercial use in the film - if only to recognize some of them


Antico Setificio Fiorentino (Via L. Bartolini 4) Florence famously produced the silk for centuries. This friendly shop supplies exquisite silk are still on the original looms and the traditional techniques of Florence. Open by appointment Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. to 17:00

Giulio Giannini & Figlio (Piazza de 'Pitti 37R), Florence is known for its marbled paper, Giannini was creating a special design of the 1856th It comes in sheets, covers, books, frames, bookplates, and many other items of stationery.

Madova (Via de, Guiciardini 1R) This sweet shop can only sell the gloves, but what they are! Every style and every color is available, all in sumptuous leather with a luxurious lining of silk, wool or cashmere lambs.

Fonte Dei Dolci (Via Nazionale 120-122r) If you have a sweet tooth - this is for you! Established in 1954, the Florentines' first port of call for sweets and chocolate.

offer a taste of Italian home cooking, painting and pilates holiday vacation in Florence, for more details visit our web site.

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