Rabu, 16 Maret 2011

How to Use English Language With Impact and Style

There are many ways you can brighten up your standard English and turn a plain boring speech into something really interesting. The use of acronyms, alliterations, analogies, anecdotes, antonyms, and clichés properly is a good place to start.


If the initial, or first letter, a group of words and put them together, they form an acronym. abbreviation of the word in its own right. There are many examples of this:

NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
CAT computer with the help of the test.
WHO World Health Organization.


makes use of alliteration in English sound expressive and often used in descriptions of passages, or poetry. It is simply a grouping together words that start with the same letter. use of these can have a very dramatic effect, and can often be seen in the language of twisters.

Slowly, sobbing, complaining
Cool, calm and collected
Long, leafy, tapes

Betty Botter bought butter,
But she said this butter's bitter.
If I put it in my batter,
This will make my batter bitter.
(tongue twister !)

analogy .

To take another analogy that fits the situation you are describing. This is an excellent tool for use in the writing of creative works, demonstrating the practical issues, especially when addressing the audience at the seminar, meeting or similar. Using the analogy makes your English sound richer and more polished.

the arrival of a new kitten in my house had a similar effect of an unexpected tornado.

To use an analogy, his new hairstyle would make rooted chrysanthemum look tidy.


anecdote short story that is interesting or entertaining, and often used to illustrate the main theme. For example:

Regardless of the topic, my father could always relate an anecdote about his life in Africa and keep us all enthralled.

phrase "anecdotal evidence " is often heard in the English language when discussing legal issues. In this sense refers to evidence that can not be proven because it is just a story.


antonym is a word that has the opposite meaning to another. These are especially useful in making comparisons. For example, if you wanted to point out that someone had wanted to do something from time to time, but not keen on the others might be described as

hot and cold
off and on

Antonyms also make contrasts as in

of light and dark
soft and hard
black and white


If the term is used very often ceases to be effective in describing something. Clichés are overused phrase and should generally be avoided if you want to talk or write effective English.
Newspapers tend to use those lots.

... avoid like the plague
No place like home.
Each friend is a friend of mine.

When you use these 'tools' to improve your English be careful not to use too much at once, because you could end up making your English language sounds very contrived and stilted. Use the ones you like best, little and often, to get the best effect.

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